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1-2-Grow! Pogostemon deccanensis or Pogostemon erectus

1-2-Grow! Pogostemon deccanensis or Pogostemon erectus

Regular price Dhs. 29.99 AED
Regular price Dhs. 36.75 AED Sale price Dhs. 29.99 AED
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The Indian Pogostemon deccanensis (formerly known as Pogostemon erectus) forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 15-40 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide.

Pogostemon erectus is suitable as a background plant and creates a wonderful focal point in both smaller and larger groups. Intense light helps the plant to stay compact for a longer period. Moderate growth and vigorous roots. Plants will need frequent pruning, and cut off shoots will easily start growing when planted.


Plant information:

Type Stem
 Origin Asia
Growth rate Medium
Height 15 - 30+
Light demand Medium
CO2 Medium
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