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AG | Echinodorus amazonicus or Echinodorus grisebachii (Amazon sword) - Pot

AG | Echinodorus amazonicus or Echinodorus grisebachii (Amazon sword) - Pot

Regular price Dhs. 22.00 AED
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 22.00 AED
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Echinodorus Amazonicus is a popular Amazon Sword in the planted aquarium hobby, but doesn't seem to be as readily available as its popular relative, Echinodorus Bleheri. Like its name implies, Echinodorus Amazonicus is on the larger spectrum of sword sizes and is an ideal aquarium plant for the background area of the tank. When grown in optimal conditions, Echinodorus species can grow upwards of 2 feet in height. Coloration is a bright green tone and leaves are quite sturdy, making them an all around solid plant choice for many styles of aquarium keeping. Like all aquatic sword species, Echinodorus Amazonicus is easy to keep, fairly hardy and needs a minimum of a nutrient-rich aquarium substrate as these species of aquatic plant are heavy root feeders.

Aside from this, Echinodorus species are fairly tolerable of varying water parameters and lighting conditions. While this little aquatic sword grows more compact, it is still a larger aquatic plant in general and should be pruned periodically to ensure smaller aquatic plants are not shaded from the light provided. Propagation is simple. Separate and replant.

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