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Anubias barteri sp. - on wood - XL

Anubias barteri sp. - on wood - XL

Regular price Dhs. 175.00 AED
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 175.00 AED
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Large mangrove wood with rooted Anubias.

Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia originates from an Australian tissue propagation laboratory. It is a very beautiful variety with heart-shaped leaves. The leaves live for several years, so Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia can easily form large groups despite its slow growth. A group of Anubias barteri var. caladiifolia growing more than 50 cm wide in a few years is not unusual.


Plant information:

Type Rhizomatous
 Origin Africa
Growth rate Slow
Height 5 - 15+
Light demand Low
CO2 Low
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